
How to auto-fill forms with new Smart Data Gadgets

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Learn how to auto-fill forms with smart data gadgets on Kuali Build. Streamline your form filling process and reduce manual errors. Check it out now!

Kuali Build is a cloud-based form building and workflow automation tool designed specifically for higher education institutions. One of the key features of Kuali Build is the ability to use "smart data gadgets" to auto-fill form fields with data from other systems and platforms. This can help to save time and reduce errors in form completion.

To help institutions take advantage of this feature, Kuali has developed a guide that outlines how to use smart data gadgets in Kuali Build. Some of the key steps outlined in the guide include:

1. Identify the Data Source: Identify the source of the data that you want to auto-fill in your form fields, such as a student information system or human resources system.

2. Configure the Data Source: Configure the data source to provide access to the data that you need to auto-fill your form fields. This may involve setting up an API or other integration.

3. Create a Smart Data Gadget: Create a smart data gadget in Kuali Build that will retrieve the data from the data source and auto-fill the form fields.

4. Configure the Smart Data Gadget: Configure the smart data gadget to map the data from the data source to the appropriate form fields.

5. Test the Smart Data Gadget: Test the smart data gadget with a small group of users to ensure that it is working correctly.

By following these steps, institutions can easily set up smart data gadgets in Kuali Build to auto-fill form fields with data from other systems and platforms. This can help to improve efficiency and accuracy in form completion, while also providing a better user experience for staff and students. If you're interested in learning more about how to use smart data gadgets in Kuali Build, be sure to check out Kuali's resources and solutions today.


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